Quick Start guide for dpkg based systems

These instructions will work for Debian, Ubuntu and other similar distributions.

  • Download the latest stable release deb package file matching your computer architecture (eg: amd64).

  • Install the package: apt install ./ n3n_3.3.4-1_amd64.deb

  • Create the file /etc/n3n/myfirstnetwork.conf, containing:

  • Start the service: sudo systemctl start n3n-edge@myfirstnetwork

  • Check the connection: sudo n3nctl -s myfirstnetwork supernodes

  • List other nodes found: sudo n3nctl -s myfirstnetwork edges

IMPORTANT: It is strongly advised to choose a custom community name (the community.name option) and a secret encryption key (the community.key option) in order to prevent other users from connecting to your computer.

It is also suggested that you setup your own supernode.